
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

50-year-old Portuguese arrested while trying to leave Punta Cana with cocaine

The man would be a mule in an international scheme.

50-year-old Portuguese arrested while trying to leave Punta Cana with cocaine
Notícias ao Minuto

15:30 - 06/05/24 por Marta Amorim

País Criminalidade

A 50-year-old Portuguese man was arrested at Punta Cana International Airport before boarding a flight to Brussels. He had two sheets of cocaine in his luggage, the local press reports.

According to the statement from the National Directorate for Drug Control (DNCD), when they were inspecting one of the areas of the terminal with members of the Airport Security Special Corps and canine units, when they searched the suitcase they found a "double bottom with two sheets, wrapped in aluminum foil - with a preliminary weight of 2.6 kilos - presumably cocaine."

“The 50-year-old foreigner, who would serve as a mule for international drug trafficking networks, was arrested before boarding a flight to Brussels. The Public Ministry and the DNCD are deepening the investigations to find out if there are others involved in the frustrated sending of the substance, in this modality”, also indicates a press release quoted by El Nacional.

The man remains in police custody.

Read Also: Young man in custody for crimes of fires and explosions in Vila Real (Portuguese version)

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