
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

IGAS archives case of elderly woman's death in Penafiel hospital emergency room

The General Health Activities Inspection has shelved the case on the death of an elderly woman, in January, in the emergency room of the Penafiel hospital, because "all possible health care was provided", it was announced today.

IGAS archives case of elderly woman's death in Penafiel hospital emergency room
Notícias ao Minuto

14:35 - 08/05/24 por Lusa


"It was possible to conclude that all possible health care was provided by the Emergency Department of the Padre Américo Hospital of the Tâmega e Sousa ULS to the patient referred to in the news released on January 4, 2024, in various media outlets", reads a statement from the Inspector-General of the General Health Activities Inspection sent to the Lusa agency.

It also states that, "since it is considered that there are no other relevant steps that can be taken by this General Inspection, the aforementioned clarification process has been closed".

The clarification process had been opened by that entity, after news in various media outlets about the death, on January 2, of an elderly woman in the emergency room of the Penafiel hospital while waiting on a stretcher for observation.

A day after the death, in a statement sent to Lusa, the Penafiel hospital, in the district of Porto, indicated that the elderly woman, around 80 years old, triaged with an orange wristband, was "at the end of her life".

"She was a patient at the end of her life and without clinical criteria for any invasive resuscitation maneuver", said ULSTS in the statement.

Serving a population of about half a million people, from 11 municipalities, the Padre Américo Hospital, together with the São Gonçalo Hospital (Amarante), is part of ULSTS.

Read Also: Viana supports combating isolation of the elderly with a volunteer project (Portuguese version)

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