
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Renovation of Vagos Misericórdia ready in the last quarter of the year

The requalification and repurposing of the headquarters building of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vagos, with an investment of around one million euros, should be completed in the last quarter of the year, revealed today the provider, Paulo Gravato.

Renovation of Vagos Misericórdia ready in the last quarter of the year
Notícias ao Minuto

15:58 - 09/05/24 por Lusa

País Vagos

The intervention should be concluded "in the last quarter of this year. It was an essential work, considering the number of users and the needs for carrying out activities", he pointed out.
The headquarters building of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vagos is undergoing a refunctionalization intervention of the administrative area, dining room, expansion of the kitchen and laundry, in an investment that amounts to one million euros, 30% of which is co-financed by PARES 3.0 (Social Equipment Network Expansion Program). In statements to the Lusa agency, Paulo Gravato explained that the works focus on the requalification and expansion of an older part of the building, where the accounting and customer service will be installed. "Two large rooms will be created to support the users of the ERPI [residential structure for the elderly]. In the nursing home area, a consulting room will be built for the institution's doctor and nurses", he said. According to the provider of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vagos, the new dining room was designed to be connected to a multipurpose room, and the kitchen was also extended, with a storage area for supplied food. "This was an evident need, as we make about a thousand meals a day. At lunch alone, there are 700 meals", he informed. The Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vagos is a private social solidarity institution (IPSS) that serves the municipality of Vagos (district of Aveiro) and also neighboring municipalities. According to Paulo Gravato, the ERPI, which has 53 users, is installed in the headquarters building of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vagos. Home support is also provided to 30 users. The daycare center has 163 children up to three years old, while the preschool (from three to five years old) is attended by 88 children. The property also includes a residential reception center, with 20 girls between the ages of 12 and 18, in addition to having a physiotherapy service in operation, with about 280 daily users. The Misericórdia de Vagos is also developing a social innovation project, with 40 users, within the scope of support for people with dementia.
Also Read: Madeira. Workers of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Machico on strike (Portuguese version)

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