
  • 20 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 24º

'Rota do Viajante II'. Hearings of detainees in Madeira continue on Monday

The interrogation of the four detainees in Madeira within the scope of the so-called "Operação Rota do Viajante II" was interrupted for the second day and will continue on Monday, said a judicial source.

'Rota do Viajante II'. Hearings of detainees in Madeira continue on Monday
Notícias ao Minuto

20:00 - 10/05/24 por Lusa

País Rota do Viajante II

The interrogation was again interrupted due to the strike by judicial employees during overtime hours.

The defendants were arrested this week during an operation triggered by the Public Prosecutor's Office related to a fraud against the State through the social mobility subsidy, in an amount greater than half a million euros.

The Public Prosecutor's Office informed that five people were arrested on Tuesday in Madeira and in the Lisbon region, in an investigation that already has 11 defendants, one of them in preventive detention.

This investigation is carried out under the direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Department of Investigation and Criminal Prosecution (DIAP) of Loures, with the assistance of the Judicial Police (PJ).

In turn, the PJ arrested five people and conducted 71 house searches and non-house searches that occurred in Lisbon, Loures and Madeira, especially in the municipalities of Funchal, Santa Cruz and Câmara de Lobos.

"The investigation found that the defendants, with the aim of obtaining large illegitimate economic profits, decided to develop a criminal scheme with the aim of obtaining illegitimate profits through the social mobility subsidy, related to hundreds of non-existent trips, in the overall amount of undue reimbursements greater than half a million euros", reads the note released.

The PJ also clarifies that the plan of these elements involved the "recruitment of residents" of Madeira, "to whom documents necessary for the collection of this subsidy were provided and previously falsified, such as air tickets, tickets and reservations, invoices and receipts".

Then, these people were accompanied by elements of the criminal network and presented the documentation at CTT stations on the continent to receive the refund from the State.

"The criminal association now dismantled showed high levels of organization, with different hierarchical levels, being composed of forgers, recruiters and/or recruiters and controllers", said the Judiciary.

It was expected that the detainees, who are between 23 and 55 years old, would be presented to a judge at the Loures criminal investigation court, which did not happen and they are being heard in Madeira.

Read also: 'Operation Rota do Viajante II'. Strike interrupts interrogation of detainees (Portuguese version)

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