
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

Secretary of State for Fisheries meets with associations on the 16th

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries is interested in hearing the concerns of fishermen and will meet on the 16th with the Portuguese Fisheries Association Movement, after the latter accused it of indifference.

Secretary of State for Fisheries meets with associations on the 16th
Notícias ao Minuto

20:12 - 10/05/24 por Lusa

País Pescas

"The ministry has the utmost interest in meeting and hearing the concerns and proposals of all the agents and is very interested in receiving the entire sector", reads a written response to the Lusa news agency from the minister's office, after being confronted.

The ministry added that the matter had been forwarded to the Secretary of State for Fisheries, "who has been receiving associations linked to fisheries".

The meeting was scheduled for the 16th.

The Portuguese Fisheries Association Movement, which represents 23 national associations, today accused the Government ministry of not being concerned with the sector's problems, by refusing to meet with the associations.

"It is unacceptable for the sector that, after 30 days, the minister and the Secretary of State for Fisheries are not interested in the sector", Jerónimo Rato, the movement's spokesperson, told the Lusa news agency.

The president of the Association of Local, Coastal and Offshore Fishing Vessel Owners of the Western Zone, in Peniche, also reported that the movement requested meetings with the government officials on 18 April and 8 May, receiving the response that "they would be received, but they don't know when".

"The Secretary of State should have already called us to learn about the sector's concerns", the vessel owner argued.

Among other matters, the movement wants to address the residence permits for foreign workers and the difficulties in applying the new EU control regulation, which came into effect at the beginning of this month.

Read Also: Minister called to the Assembly of the Republic regarding the Common Agricultural Policy plan (Portuguese version)

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