
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Union says nurses' strike had 76.8% overall turnout

Today's nurses' strike recorded a global adherence of 76.8%, a value that demonstrates the "discontent that exists from north to south of the country" among these health professionals, announced the union that called the strike.

Union says nurses' strike had 76.8% overall turnout
Notícias ao Minuto

20:22 - 10/05/24 por Lusa

País Enfermeiros

"This is a membership that demonstrates that the discontent exists from the north to the south of the country and that it could increase if, in the next meeting with the Ministry of Health, the answers that the nurses demanded today are not given", said to Lusa the leader of the Portuguese Nurses Union (SEP), Guadalupe Simões.

The SEP called for a strike today during the morning and afternoon shifts and a gathering in Campo Pequeno, in Lisbon, to demand the beginning of the negotiation process with the setting of a memorandum of understanding on the matters to be negotiated (counting of points, nursing career and other aspects) and the respective calendar.

According to Guadalupe Simões, in the morning and afternoon shifts, the strike had a 76.8% membership, with the effects being more visible in the operating blocks and in the external consultations in the hospitals.

"There were also many functional units of primary health care with 100% membership in the strike", said the union leader.

On 26 April, the SEP decided to maintain the strike, after having met with the Minister of Health, Ana Paula Martins, stating that the nurses "want answers much sooner".

Two weeks ago, the Minister of Health met for the first time with the representative unions of doctors, nurses and pharmacists, starting the salary negotiations demanded by the union structures.

At the end of the meetings, the Ministry of Health said that it expects the negotiation process, which will be resumed on 27 May, to take place on a basis of "good faith, commitment and responsibility" and that it corresponds to the expectation of the professionals "as much as possible".

After today's march, which ended next to the Ministry of Health, the president of the SEP considered that the nursing professionals feel discriminated against in relation to the "other public service workers", demanding that "the negotiation with the Government be started quickly".

"This is unacceptable and we decided to come here today to tell the Ministry of Health loud and clear that in the next meeting [with the supervisory authority], on 27 May, we want to establish the negotiation protocol", said José Carlos Martins to the Lusa agency.

Read also: Nurses feel discriminated against in relation to other workers, says SEP (Portuguese version)

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