
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

"Unfair". MNE refuses genocide in Gaza but admits humanitarian catastrophe

The Foreign Minister refuses to call what is happening in Gaza a genocide, considering that it would be "unfair" to say that Israel intends to eliminate the Palestinian people, but highlights the existence of a humanitarian catastrophe.

"Unfair". MNE refuses genocide in Gaza but admits humanitarian catastrophe
Notícias ao Minuto

09:26 - 13/05/24 por Lusa

País Paulo Rangel

"Genocide presupposes the will to eliminate a people. It would be very unfair to say that Israel intends to eliminate the Palestinian people," said Paulo Rangel, in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El País, where he stresses that "there is a humanitarian catastrophe that demands condemnation, that demands that Israel accept an immediate ceasefire and that needs to be repaired as quickly as possible".

Paulo Rangel recalls in the interview that Portugal expressed this position to the Israeli government and to its ambassador in Lisbon.

Asked whether the international community should impose punitive measures on Israel, the minister replied that "great pressure should be exerted on the government".

"Portugal understands that the Israeli state faces an existential threat. This should not be hidden either, but one thing does not eliminate the other," he says.

"That is why we are in favour of the two-state solution, both have the right to exist. The pressure has clearly increased. The United States played a very important role in this regard," the minister argued, understanding that it is necessary to continue to exercise diplomacy and even "some political pressure" on Israel in order to, at least, achieve a ceasefire.

Regarding the recognition of Palestine as a state by Spain and other countries, Paulo Rangel said that Portugal has "a very close position", "although it is not exactly the same".

"There is a time difference. We are consulting with other Member States to see when is the most opportune moment to take this step," said the minister, adding that "there is a great European consensus on the issue of the two states".

Rangel also recalled that Portugal "took steps to try to bring together the reluctant countries in favour of the vote on Palestine in the General Assembly".

In the interview, the Minister of Foreign Affairs also said that Portugal's concern "is not to create a dividing line in the European Union, a fracture that radicalises positions", but to maintain a "constructive position".

"Together with Spain, we have long called for an immediate ceasefire and the release of the hostages. We are facing a humanitarian catastrophe, a situation of urgency and emergency for the Palestinian people of Gaza, the vast majority of whom are innocent," he said.

Read Also: Agreement with Russia? Portugal expressed "surprise" to São Tomé (Portuguese version)

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