
  • 20 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 24º

Students occupy more faculties in Lisbon to demand an end to the war

The initiative is organized by the student movement "Fim ao Fóssil" (End Fossil Fuels).

Students occupy more faculties in Lisbon to demand an end to the war
Notícias ao Minuto

11:12 - 13/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País protesto

After the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon, students will occupy, on the morning of this Monday, the Faculty of Fine Arts of the same University and the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon, in a protest for the end of the war in the Gaza Strip and fossil fuels.

The protest is being carried out by the student movement End Fossil.

"The occupation of the Faculty of Psychology was just the beginning of our struggle", said Leonor Chicó, a student of FCSH, quoted in a statement released by the movement. "During the weekend, we organized and prepared for the next few weeks. Today we are back, more and stronger, ready to occupy these two faculties until we win", she added.

It should be recalled that, last Thursday, these student activists occupied the atrium of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon with an improvised camp.

On that day, it should be recalled, eight people were arrested

The movement promises to continue these occupations until their demands are met. They also appeal "to the mobilization of the entire society and in particular of the students for these occupations", which are part of the recent wave of student uprising that has emerged in several countries.

Read Also: PSP says it used "strictly necessary force" to remove students (Portuguese version)

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