
  • 24 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 23º

Young Portuguese among those most willing to vote in EU elections

Young Portuguese are among those most willing to participate in the elections for the European Parliament (EP) among the countries of the European Union (EU), according to a Eurobarometer released today.

Young Portuguese among those most willing to vote in EU elections
Notícias ao Minuto

12:31 - 13/05/24 por Lusa

País União Europeia

In the survey on youth and democracy, carried out on the occasion of the European elections, between 06 and 09 June in the 27 EU Member States, six out of ten (64%) young Europeans intend to vote in the suffrage.

The Portuguese are among those who are most willing to participate in the elections (77% of young nationals know that they are old enough to vote and want to do so) and only 5% know that they are old enough to vote, but will not do so.

Only Romania surpasses Portugal, with 78% of young people intending to participate in the suffrage to decide the future composition of the EP.

Malta (47%), Latvia (46%) and Luxembourg (41%) are the countries with the lowest percentages of young voters of voting age who intend to do so.

In Bulgaria, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta and the Netherlands, one in five young people who participated in this statistic answered that they do not intend to vote.

Among the young Portuguese who answered the survey, 39% answered that they are concerned with the preservation of peace and the reinforcement of international security, as well as cooperation between countries

When asked about how they are aware of ways to participate in the European Union, the majority of young Europeans who answered the survey (46%) said that it was possible to do so through the European elections and 24% pointed to the social networks of the EU institutions and platforms such as the European Youth Portal.

Young Portuguese between 15 and 30 years old answered this survey, in a total of 1,023 interviews (out of a total of 26,189 at EU level), between 04 and 12 April 2024.



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