
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Ornelas condemns "scandal" that is the death of thousands of children in Gaza

The bishop of Leiria-Fátima condemned today, at the end of the May pilgrimage to the sanctuary of Cova da Iria, the war in the Gaza Strip, considering "the scandal of scandals" the death of thousands of children.

Ornelas condemns "scandal" that is the death of thousands of children in Gaza
Notícias ao Minuto

13:29 - 13/05/24 por Lusa

País Israel

In a speech to about 200 thousand pilgrims present at the sanctuary, José Ornelas said that "peace was a very present theme" in the pilgrimage, referring to it as a "necessary good" to the world.

"Peace for Ukraine, that cruel war that has lasted so long, peace for the land of Jesus, Palestine, where more than 35 thousand people have already lost their lives, and the majority, scandal of scandals, children and mothers who do not know what to do to help and keep their children alive", said also the president of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference (CEP).

In an intervention interrupted by applause from the faithful, José Ornelas stressed that, "worst of all" in the Gaza Strip, "which cannot be admitted, is to prohibit the arrival of necessary food aid for more than a million people who are starving".

"From here in Cova da Iria we appeal for peace. [The conflict] is inconceivable for the heart of God, but it is inconceivable for a human heart that this is happening in our world", said José Ornelas.

On the occasion, the bishop of Leiria-Fátima also made an appeal for solidarity with the victims of the floods in Brazil, "many of whom have lost everything".

The pilgrimage of Sunday and today to the Sanctuary of Fátima was presided over by the archbishop of Barcelona, Juan José Omella, and, according to numbers advanced by the sanctuary services, it had 250 thousand pilgrims in the candlelight procession of the last night, and 200 thousand in today's mass.

Read Also: Ornelas says that conflicts are always present in the celebration in Fátima (Portuguese version)

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