
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

AIMA will ask for support from community leaders to clarify to immigrants

The Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA) asked the leaders of immigrant communities for help in clarifying the new procedures, which involve a prior payment for scheduling, which 50 thousand users have already joined.

AIMA will ask for support from community leaders to clarify to immigrants
Notícias ao Minuto

18:21 - 13/05/24 por Lusa


In a response sent to Lusa, AIMA acknowledged that the decision to request the advance payment of scheduling fees to conclude regularization processes has raised doubts among immigrants, who have been flocking to its facilities.

"There has been a significant increase in the number of migrant citizens at AIMA stores seeking clarification", because "many of these citizens do not master the Portuguese language, which makes effective communication difficult", said AIMA.

With that, the organization "requested help from community leaders and migrant associations, hoping to normalize the situation by the end of the week".

According to AIMA, "a new procedure for processing expressions of interest has been initiated, with the intention of gradually eliminating the telephone scheduling system, replacing it with digital systems by the end of the first quarter of next year".

This "new procedure will also eliminate the need for in-person payments, streamlining and simplifying service, thus making more vacancies available for citizens requesting this service", says AIMA.

According to emails sent on Wednesday night to immigrants with expressions of interest who are waiting to schedule a meeting to complete their processes or within the scope of family reunification, AIMA claims the advance payment of costs.

For cases of spouses of immigrants in a regular situation, the cost is 33 euros, for citizens of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) the amount is 56.88 euros and for the rest the total is 397.90 euros, payable in a few days.

After 10 working days, AIMA states that "it will make other attempts to contact users who maintain their interest in the procedure and have not made the payment" of the amount in question.

So far, "more than 50 thousand users have already expressed their intention to proceed with the payment".

The previous procedure relating to expressions of interest "involved sending an email to users, requesting that they contact the Call Center to schedule a vacancy", recalls AIMA, followed by the need to choose "a place to appear on the day and time scheduled and make full payment of the fees at the time of service".

In the email sent to immigrants, AIMA warned that payment must be made within ten working days, to ensure "scheduling your service, following the presentation of the expression of interest".

The "failure to pay the fee within the established period determines the extinction of the regularization procedure" and, "after validating the account and making the payment, you will receive a scheduling proposal within the following 20 working days".

"If you are no longer interested in proceeding with the expression of interest, please inform us by clicking here, allowing another user to have access to a vacancy more quickly", you can also read in the email.

Read Also: AIMA asks immigrants for 400 euros in 10 days. Government promises "response" (Portuguese version)

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