
  • 29 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 20º

Rui Moreira accuses Mortágua of having "a problem with the truth"

The Mayor of Porto today accused the leader of the Left Bloc, Mariana Mortágua, of having "a problem with the truth" regarding the holding of demonstrations and again challenged the change in the law by the Assembly of the Republic.

Rui Moreira accuses Mortágua of having "a problem with the truth"
Notícias ao Minuto

19:26 - 13/05/24 por Lusa

País Porto

"I think she has a problem with the truth, I think it has been notorious since the electoral campaign, she has a problem in fact and in this case, once again, she tries to build a narrative around an untruth", said the mayor, when questioned about the statements of the leader of the Left Bloc regarding the initiative of the Ergue-te party, on Saturday, in Porto.

In a press conference with his Lisbon counterpart, Rui Moreira stated that Ergue-te is "a recognized party" and that the Left Bloc "will have to contest the elections with a legitimate party that was authorized by the Constitutional Court to establish itself as a party and to run in the European elections".

Rui Moreira reinforced that the demonstrations "are not authorized" by the local authorities, but communicated to them, so he could not prevent the initiative of Ergue-te or other demonstrations that took place in the city, since he would be committing a crime if he had done so.

"It happens that the Left Bloc knows this perfectly well", he said, adding that, as long as he is president, the "Porto City Council complies with the Constitution and will always do everything possible to comply with the law".

Assuring that if he could prevent the demonstrations "he would certainly prevent them", Rui Moreira reinforced the need for parliament to change the law.

"Mariana Mortágua can request the change in the law, I cannot, I am not in parliament, she is and therefore, instead of lying, because objectively this is a repeated lie, it has been repeated by Mariana Mortágua and by other deputies, it would be better if she explained, first of all, who could decide whether a demonstration can be held or not, namely a party that runs in the elections", he said.

The leader of the Left Bloc, Mariana Mortágua, said on Saturday that Rui Moreira was "opting for the far-right narrative", criticizing the mayor for not having prevented an initiative of the Ergue-te party that took place in front of the Junta do Bonfim building, a parish in Porto where, on May 4th, there were attacks on immigrants.

Read Also: Left Bloc calls AIMA to the AR. "It is failing" (Portuguese version)

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