
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Professores? "There has been progress, but far from allowing us to speak of agreements"

The Government and teachers returned to the negotiating table this Monday following the recovery of service time.

Professores? "There has been progress, but far from allowing us to speak of agreements"
Notícias ao Minuto

19:40 - 13/05/24 por Daniela Carrilho

País Professores

Mário Nogueira, from the National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof), stated this Monday that the Minister of Education "has not yet" approached the proposals presented by the unions of education professionals.

"There was some progress in the negotiation, but it is still far from allowing us to talk about agreements, for example", Mário Nogueira began by saying, in statements to journalists at the end of the meeting, highlighting that the Government gave in on the percentage of the counting of time in service.

"There is a small increase in the initial percentages of recovery, which go from 20 to 25%, but it does not reduce the five years, which in our opinion is not correct. The recovery will end 10 years after the thawing and that is why we insist on the three years", Nogueira points out.

It should be recalled that the Government and the teachers returned to the negotiating table this Monday following the recovery of time in service, with the unions demanding the counting of more days in less time, until 2027.

After the guardianship presented its proposal on the 3rd, which provides for the phased return of the six years, six months and 23 days of frozen time at an annual average of 20%, starting in September of this year, the organisations have now presented different counter-proposals.

Leia Também: Negociações? Profissionais de educação "cansados e fartos de esperar" (Portuguese version)

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