
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

More workers want to be included in tougher sentences for assault

Tax workers, ASAE and registry and notary workers want to be included in the Government's measure that increases the penalties for assault on various public sector professional groups, promising to take "initiatives" if they do not get a response.

More workers want to be included in tougher sentences for assault
Notícias ao Minuto

20:08 - 13/05/24 por Lusa


This demand, signed by the unions representing the workers of the Tax and Customs Authority (AT), the Authority for Food and Economic Safety (ASAE) and the Institute of Registries and Notary (IRN) is included in a joint letter that the union structures sent to the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro.

The origin of this demand is the Government's intention to "reinforce the legal framework in cases of aggression and offenses against security forces and services, teaching and non-teaching staff, prison guards and health professionals", according to the Council of Ministers' statement of May 2.

The same statement adds that this reinforcement of criminal protection will involve increasing the criminal framework against the aggressors of these public professionals, classifying the aggressions as a public crime in cases where this does not yet happen and exemption from court costs for the offended parties.

For the union structures of the workers of AT (APIT and STI), of ASAE (ASF-ASAE and SNP-ASAE) and of IRN (STRN), the non-inclusion of the professional groups they represent makes them "the target of a new disregard on the part of the Government", without "foreseeing" the reasons for their exclusion.

In a statement, both the Union of Tax Workers (STI) and the Union Association of Tax and Customs Inspection Professionals (APIT) state that there is no doubt that the workers of these entities "are subject to an equal risk, in some cases greater, than that incurred by the professionals that the Government announced it intends to contemplate with its decision".

They are therefore surprised at not having been included and promise to develop "all the necessary initiatives" so that this "'forgetting" does not go unnoticed".

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