
  • 20 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 23º

New system implemented in 180 of the 300 traffic light systems in Porto

The vice-president of the Porto City Council, Filipe Araújo, said today that 180 of the 300 systems that monitor the city's traffic lights have already been replaced by the new system and that the municipality is implementing "at a considerable pace".

New system implemented in 180 of the 300 traffic light systems in Porto
Notícias ao Minuto

23:50 - 13/05/24 por Lusa

País Porto

"We are implementing at a considerable pace, we have 180 of 300 traffic light sets with the new traffic light system", said the vice-president at the session of the Porto Municipal Assembly.

In response to the deputy Rui Sá, from the CDU, Filipe Araújo assured that the new system allows the municipality to manage "all constraints" related to traffic, giving as an example Avenida de Fernão Magalhães, where currently "priority is given to buses".

In December 2022, Filipe Araújo assured that the transition process to the new system would "take a few years".

"It will still take some time until we have a structure updated to the present day", said Filipe Araújo at the time, recalling that the previous system "allowed very little improvement in terms of mobility".

In November 2021, the then councillor for Mobility of the Porto City Council, Cristina Pimentel, said she expected the system to be completed in three years and that the 297 controllers would work with the new system.

In November 2020, the North Central Administrative Court allowed the award of the tender for the replacement of traffic lights to Sóltrafego.

At the time, in response to Lusa, the Porto City Council clarified that the decision confirmed the "legitimacy of the municipality to continue with the contracting process".

In September 2016, the Porto City Council launched an international public tender to replace all equipment with a general system that would integrate the traffic light component and the communications network in an investment of around 10 million euros.

However, after the award to Sóltrafego, the second competitor in the international public tender (Siemens) challenged the decision and in March 2019, the Administrative and Fiscal Court of Porto issued a sentence that prevented the municipality from continuing with the contract.

Since then, several appeals have been filed and on 1 October 2020, the Supreme Administrative Court ruled in favour of the municipality, as well as Sóltrafego, considering the decision to exclude the proposal submitted by Siemens to be lawful, however, the same decision determined that it was up to the TCA Norte to assess the issue relating to the decision to terminate the award to Sóltrafego.

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