
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Today's news: Nurses lose power; Government holds SIRP chief

Check out the main highlights of the national press this Tuesday, May 14.

Notícias ao Minuto

07:40 - 14/05/24 por Lusa

País Revista de imprensa

Good morning! It is time to look at the front pages of the Portuguese press this Tuesday, May 14. We start with the Jornal de Notícias, which states that "nurses lose power to doctors in childbirth".

The Público highlights that "families with new contracts for the same house will maintain rent support". The Diário de Notícias reports that "Montenegro secures the head of the secret service". 

For its part, the Correio da Manhã headlines with the "millionaire coup stopped in the cup". 

Moving on to the economic ones, the Jornal de Negócios mentions that the "Government will make the Alcochete airport official this week..ana", while the Jornal Económico stresses that "RE has 10 GW of renewable energy to connect to the grid by 2030". 

In sports, A Bola highlights that "FC Porto negotiates Vítor Roque", while the Record reports that "Rui Costa secures Schmidt". O Jogo assumes that "FC Porto should become an assistant". 

See below the main highlights of the national press, including sports, and in the gallery above the respective covers:

Correio da Manhã:

- "'Golden Ticket'. Millionaire coup stopped in the Cup. Madureira clan could earn 200 thousand euros"

- "Death and destruction. Flood causes tragedy in Brazil"

- "Ministry proposes that teachers recover 598 days in September"

- "Baby's death. Mother accuses maternity hospital of medical negligence"

- "'Joca'. Former police officer drug trafficker arrested in preventive detention in Évora prison"

- "Housing. Rents increase by 7.1% in just one year"

- "Pilgrims. Crowd prays in Fátima"

- "Benfica. Rui Costa pressured to decide Schmidt's future"

- "Sporting. Varandas wants to burst dragons"

- "FC Porto. Assistant signals Sérgio's farewell"


- "Families with new contracts for the same house will maintain rent support"

- "Europeans. Immigration and Defense mark differences between candidates"

- "Unpublished study. Only 44% of children of domestic violence finish high school"

- "State Budget. PS changes its tone and waits for autumn to decide on OE"

- "Spain. Sánchez trusts that Catalan victory keeps government intact"

- "Russia. Putin hands over Defense to an economist to clean up barracks"

- "Length of service. Teachers recover 50% in two years and the rest until 2028"

- "Grand Tour. Miguel Gomes and Filipa Reis' journey between Asia and Cannes"

- "Oceans. Fishing nets incorporated into live corals discovered for the first time in Portugal"

- "Cities. Moedas wants to sell seven plots for 70 million to create more housing in Lisbon"

Jornal de Notícias:

- "Nurses lose power to doctors in childbirth"

- "Vieira and Rui Costa questioned in the email case"

- "League. Roger Schmidt waiting for the season to end to find out his future"

- "Investigation. FC Porto employees referred fans to ticket 'candongueiros'"

- "Firefighting has more firefighters and vehicles but fewer planes"

- "Europeans. Immigration marks first televised debate"

- "Municipal Police. Porto and Lisbon demand a 50% increase"

- "Coimbra. Bus connects stations during metrobus works"

Diário de Notícias:

- "Montenegro secures the head of the secret service"

- "Cannes opens today with laughter served by Quentin Dupieux"

- "Hospitals. Santa Maria Hospital's maternity and emergency room still won't open this summer"

- "Visit. Government keeps 'security' agreement with Zelensky secret"

- "Accusations. Medina, riding Sarmento's coattails, responds in the AR about the 'artificial' fall in debt"

- "Finance. Budgetary situation 'is good' and 'stable'. Brussels and Eurogroup rule out a scenario of 'chaos and collapse'"

- "Daniela Nascimento, researcher. 'We have a Europe that excludes, marginalizes and deprives human beings'"


- "immigration. A difficult marriage"

- "Restrict or increase entries? The risks, the challenges and the headaches"

- "'People are afraid to come to this street'. Rua do Benformoso, a world apart in the center of Lisbon"

- "The contribution to Social Security and the costs to the country"

- "Interview with Jorge Malheiros: 'Immigrants will not reverse the aging process'"

- "Crime. It is impossible to count due to police forms"

- "In Porto there are complaints of assaults on women in miniskirts"


- "Government will make the Alcochete airport official this week"

- "Largest stock market families earn 638 million in dividends"

- "Africa Radar. In a house where there is no bread, the door opens to temptation"

- "Yves Stein and Bruno de Carvalho, [group] Edmond de Rothschild. Business in Portugal is 'very attractive' and growing"

- "Delay in reducing VAT on real estate leaves the market anxious"

- "Extrusal has a new owner and saves 440 jobs"

O Jornal Económico:

- "REN has 10 GW of renewable energy to connect to the grid by 2030"

- "Medina responds today in Parliament about orders to public companies to finance the 'special operation' of the debt"

- "TAP's operating result was worse than that of those interested in buying it"

- "Madeira has better performance in the financial execution of PT2020 compared to the national average"

- "'We cannot have setbacks in terms of freedoms and guarantees in the EU'. Pedro Fidalgo Marques, PAN's top candidate for the EP elections"

- "Top of the Agenda: Us, tourist activity and Medina"

- "Una Seguros analyzes acquisitions"

- "Uber Portugal wants a 'zero emissions' fleet by 2030"


- "Benfica. Rui Costa secures Schmidt. He wants to keep the project and does not give up on the coach"

- "Sporting. Varandas and the game with FC Porto: 'It's to burst them'"

- "Sporting. Champion trophy is awarded on Saturday and goes to the chamber on Monday"

- "Jamor at risk. Super Dragons may stay out"

- "FC Porto. Transfer of 4 thousand tickets stopped. PSP confirms seizure of 44 thousand Euros"

- "FC Porto. Villas-Boas encouraged the team"

- "Saudi Arabia. Jesus negotiates renewal"

- "Turkey. Mourinho on Fenerbahçe's route"

O Jogo:

- "FC Porto should become an assistant. André Villas-Boas' management intends to follow the 'Golden Ticket' process closely"

- "Protocol with Super Dragons expires on June 30 and may be denounced by May 31"<>

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