
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Trio accused of assault and extortion begins to be judged in Aveiro

The Aveiro Court today began the trial of three men, aged between 39 and 54, allegedly involved in a plan to assault and extort money from several people with financial means.

Trio accused of assault and extortion begins to be judged in Aveiro
Notícias ao Minuto

12:18 - 14/05/24 por Lusa

País Aveiro

Of the three defendants, one failed to attend the trial hearing, while the other two opted to remain silent.

The three men are charged with the crimes of aggravated extortion in an attempted form, qualified offense to physical integrity and aggravated coercion. One of them is also charged with a minor drug trafficking crime.

The panel of judges began by hearing the testimony of one of the victims, a lawyer who said he had been contacted by the defendants to provide a service in a divorce proceeding.

The victim recounted the climate of "terror" he experienced at the hands of the defendants, having been the target of assaults and extortion attempts through written messages sent to him and his wife, demanding the delivery of unspecified amounts of money.

Before the panel of judges, the victim said that he ended up going to live in his in-laws' and a friend's house and could not be with his children because "he was afraid that they would be exposed".

"We had a quiet, happy life. We had a horrible period in our life. I don't wish that on anyone," he said, adding that he had to hire a security guard to accompany him, in addition to setting up a video surveillance system at home and security doors in the rooms.

The Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) indictment describes three extortion attempts with the same number of victims, which occurred between February and April 2022, in several municipalities in the districts of Aveiro and Coimbra.

The defendants were arrested by the GNR in June 2022, culminating an investigation that lasted four months.

At the time, the GNR reported that the suspects lured the victims to a meeting to provide a service or acquire a good and already at the location assaulted the victims, threatening and coercing them afterwards.

According to the GNR of Aveiro, the actions of the suspects on the victims in some cases culminated in hospitalisation and caused "fear, unrest and great panic".

Read Also: Cinco detidos por tráfico de droga na ilha de São Miguel, nos Açores (Portuguese version)

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