
  • 23 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 14º MÁX 23º

200 tons of goods for Brazil have been stuck in Portugal for days. Understand

Since May 7, more than 200 tons of donations have been stuck in Portugal. The organization started by securing a plane that, after all, never existed. The Brazilian Air Force says it would be "counterproductive" to rescue the aid. The Portuguese Air Force says it has no "data to confirm this transport".

200 tons of goods for Brazil have been stuck in Portugal for days. Understand
Notícias ao Minuto

16:35 - 14/05/24 por Marta Amorim

País Rio Grande do Sul

On May 7, in the face of the tragedy that devastated Rio Grande do Sul, a Rio Grande do Sul native in Portugal launched a challenge, so that donations could be made, under the premise that a plane would take them to Brazil

For days, warehouses throughout the country were filling up, until the organization SOS RS in Portugal announced that it would no longer accept donations. 

In total, more than 200 tons of goods were collected, which, after all, did not have a plane to transport them. 

The case is taking on diplomatic proportions, as several voices have joined together to request a plane, whether from Brazil or Portugal. 

Brazil. Warehouses in Portugal filled with donations awaiting transport

Brazil. Warehouses in Portugal filled with donations awaiting transport

A private organization will have collected 4 tons of donations that should have gone to Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil, a region affected by the scourge of the floods, but is now facing a problem: it has no means of transport. The flight that was guaranteed and that would take place this Friday, after all, is not confirmed and the Consulate of Brazil in Lisbon and Porto has already distanced itself from the initiative.

Marta Amorim with Carmen Guilherme and Daniela Carrilho | 12:00 - 05/10/2024

Pablo Marçal, a well-known Brazilian businessman, politician and digital influencer, made a video that reached the Brazilian government, leading to a reaction from the Air Force. 

In an interview on Saturday, the 11th, Lieutenant General Marcelo Damasceno announced that the donations would be taken by a plane from the Portuguese Air Force (FAP), since it would not be feasible to transport the donations by planes from the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) because it would take 35 hours. In that time, he explained, the FAB could transport more than 150 tons within its own territory and deliver them to the Rio Grande do Sul capital.

However, and in statements to Notícias ao Minuto, a source from the FAP guarantees that it does not have "data that allows this transport to be confirmed".

In turn, the Brazilian Embassy in Lisbon and Porto, which initially interfered with responsibilities in this case, is already organizing the logistics of the donations. 

In statements to Correio Braziliense, Raimundo Carreiro, Brazilian ambassador to Portugal, guarantees that the objective is to identify all donation reception points and calculate their weight, so that, as soon as the means of transport are defined, everything can reach the people of Rio Grande do Sul more quickly, who are facing the greatest climate tragedy in Brazilian history.

"In the face of this network of solidarity, we are making every possible effort so that all donations reach Rio Grande do Sul", he emphasized, stressing, however, the preference for financial donations. 

The Notícias ao Minuto contacted the organization SOS RS Portugal and the Brazilian Embassy in Lisbon and is awaiting a response. 

The storms began fifteen days ago and have not stopped. In southern Brazil, the death toll has reached 148, with 127 missing, and 2.1 million people affected in 447 of the 497 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul, where there are almost 81 thousand people in shelters and half a million displaced.

Read Also: Images captured from Space show tragedy in Brazil (Portuguese version)

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