
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

APA created national roadmap for climate hazard adaptation

The Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) has created a roadmap for adapting to climate hazards, with recommendations for the preparation and revision of Municipal Master Plans and for spatial planning with climate resilience.

APA created national roadmap for climate hazard adaptation
Notícias ao Minuto

18:30 - 14/05/24 por Lusa

País APA

The National Adaptation Roadmap 2100 (RNA2100) addresses the country's situation up to 2100 in relation to five climate hazards - drought, water scarcity, rural fires, coastal erosion and coastal flooding and submersion.

In addition to a framework for the theme of climate change, its hazards and how spatial planning can contribute to national climate resilience, the document details how Municipal Master Plans can promote adaptation to the five hazards analysed.

According to the RNA2100, the climate evolution scenarios for Portugal up to the end of the 21st century point to "progressively more unfavourable conditions" for agricultural activity, resulting from the reduction in precipitation and the increase in temperature, for a worsening of the frequency and intensity of extreme events and for an increase in susceptibility to desertification.

The Roadmap estimates a reduction in the availability of water and irrigation capacity, the loss of soil fertility and the worsening of erosion, in addition to a marked change in the structure and composition of vegetation with consequences for biodiversity.

In the regions of the North and Central Coast, dominated by a mixed forest of broad-leaved trees, the document estimates a reduction in the species that are more demanding in humidity, with the increase in the mortality of older and less resistant trees.

The regions of Minho, Douro Litoral and mountain areas could benefit from an increase in biological diversity.

But the increase in temperature and the prolonged periods of drought should also be responsible for the increase in the number of rural fires, mainly large forest fires.

"The risk associated with these occurrences has been dramatically increasing", highlights the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) in the document.

Read Also: Portugal "marking time" in the WHO's goals for the reduction of hepatitis C (Portuguese version)

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