
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Dog rescued from owner after ‘becoming dangerously thin and vomiting’

It happened in Almada. Animal was still with respiratory distress and infested with fleas. Allegedly, the canine was a victim of mistreatment and abandonment. It is now hospitalized, with a reserved prognosis.

Dog rescued from owner after ‘becoming dangerously thin and vomiting’
Notícias ao Minuto

13:20 - 15/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Almada

The Public Security Police (PSP) rescued a dog this week that had allegedly been abused and abandoned in Almada, due to an urgent and ongoing need for veterinary assistance.

In a statement sent this Wednesday to Notícias ao Minuto, the PSP revealed that it had become aware of the case through a complaint. Upon arriving at the location, together with the Municipal Animal Welfare Officer and the Veterinary and Animal Welfare Service of the Almada Municipal Council, the information was confirmed.

The dog "was emaciated and vomiting constantly, had noticeable difficulty breathing and was infested with fleas, more than enough evidence that it needed urgent care, and so it was decided to seize the animal from its owner/carer and take it for assessment by a specialist".

The tests carried out confirmed that the animal's health was severely compromised, and that it was even at risk of death, which was only avoided due to the rapid intervention and application of veterinary treatments.

Despite this, the animal remains hospitalised with a reserved prognosis.

The case was reported to the Almada Public Prosecutor's Office (MP), as it may involve the crimes of abandonment and mistreatment of a companion animal.

Although it had access to the video of the rescue, Notícias ao Minuto chose not to publish it, as the dog's condition is shocking and could offend the sensibilities of more sensitive readers.

Read Also: Man with "cognitive impairment" enslaved for 17 years. There are 4 detainees (Portuguese version)

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