
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

AIMA opens 'online' link for immigrants to correct email address

According to AIMA, many of the users filled in the email incorrectly or stopped using it, since in some cases these requests are two years old.

AIMA opens 'online' link for immigrants to correct email address
Notícias ao Minuto

14:38 - 15/05/24 por Lusa


The Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA) today put 'online' a link that allows immigrants to resolve problems with their access email, one of the main reasons that has caused a large influx in the institution's stores.

At this address, available on the institution's page, it will be possible for immigrants who have not received the email to request the scheduling of their cases related to residence permits to make a new 'online' request.

Many of the immigrants who flock at dawn to the AIMA stores spread across the country in the hope of having an in-person service password are related to the fact that they have not received the notification sent last week to the cases that have submitted an expression of interest (a process that allows the legalization of those who arrive with a visa that is not for work).

Hassan, a Moroccan who was seen on Monday afternoon at the AIMA store in Lisbon, was one of those cases. "I haven't received any email and I'm here to see what's going on. I'll pay whatever it takes," he told Lusa at the time.

According to AIMA, many of the users filled in the email incorrectly or stopped using it, since these requests are, in some cases, two years old.

In this new link, those who already have a pending request can request the sending of the data to pay for the scheduling, provided they give a new email. To confirm that this process already exists, immigrants must include other data that will allow the cross-referencing of data, such as the tax identification number, passport, telephone, or social security. In addition, they must include the old and new email addresses.

In a statement on Tuesday, AIMA states that it "is reformulating the procedure for scheduling the service necessary for granting a residence permit", replacing telephone contact with digital means, so that now "it will be possible to streamline the scheduling and ensure compliance with the new rules that came into force at the beginning of 2024".

In cases where users have mistakenly clicked on the 'link' "intended to communicate that they are no longer interested in the expression of interest", they can send an email to, requesting the reactivation of the expression of interest, indicating their data.

"The expression of interest will be restored and the process of updating information and scheduling can be resumed without problems," says AIMA.

Immigrants' complaints have been increasing in tone, but, according to the institution, most of the problems can be solved by the system itself.

Read Also: AIMA adds more than a thousand complaints (107 in May alone). Delay leads complaints (Portuguese version)

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