
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Government authorizes ULS to hire 250 doctors for "urgent" cases

The Government has authorized Local Health Units (ULS) to hire 250 specialist doctors for situations of "manifest urgency" during this year, an exceptional measure until the opening of the normal medical internship competition in 2024.

Government authorizes ULS to hire 250 doctors for "urgent" cases
Notícias ao Minuto

14:51 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

País Governo

The authorization is included in a dispatch published today and signed by the Minister of State and Finance, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, and by the Minister of Health, Ana Paula Martins.

"This exceptional authorization allows that, at least until the opening of the competitive examination procedure of the normal period of final assessment of the medical internship of 2024, the speed of the recruitment processes of doctors for the National Health Service is ensured in the exceptional situations that, with justification, prove to be manifestly urgent", refers the dispatch.

According to the document, these hirings of doctors for the ULS and oncology institutes depend on a prior favourable opinion from the Executive Directorate of the National Health Service, which must consider factors such as the budget allocation and the forecast and existence of vacant positions in the corresponding staff list.

In addition, the opinion of the executive directorate must take into account the healthcare profile and positioning of the ULS, within the scope of the hospital referral networks, as well as the shortage of doctors in the corresponding specialty, also indicates the dispatch, which considers that "the needs of medical staff are dynamic and require a prompt response".

On the 9th of this month, the Central Administration of the Health System (ACSS) released the classification lists of the final assessment process of the medical internship, relating to the normal period of 2024.

Recently, the Independent Union of Doctors (SIM) asked the Ministry of Health for explanations on how the next competitions for the placement of recent specialists will take place, alleging the "indefiniteness" that is seen in various entities of the National Health Service.

In a statement released on the 7th, SIM said that it had sent a letter to the Ministry of Health about the opening of competitions for the assistant category, "given the lack of information from the guardianship on this matter".

The union also mentioned that it had alerted the ministry to the need to prepare the processes "with the utmost speed, so that the competitions for assistants are launched as quickly as possible, in compliance with the law, which determines that they be held within 30 days" after the approval of the classifications.

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