
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Montenegro urges parties in parliament to lower personal income tax

The Prime Minister today challenged the parties to "assume their responsibilities" in the parliamentary discussion process on the reduction of IRS, which he defended must be done "with pragmatism and without wastefulness".

Montenegro urges parties in parliament to lower personal income tax
Notícias ao Minuto

15:40 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Política IRS

At the opening of his first fortnightly debate in parliament as prime minister, Luís Montenegro said that the Government's proposal foresees reducing the IRS "by 1,539 million euros compared to 2023".

"Which still represents a reduction of around 30% compared to the reduction foreseen in the 2024 State Budget, which in itself was already a reaction to the PSD's proposal", he added.

The Government's proposal was submitted for discussion in the specialty without a vote, together with the PS's and other opposition parties', which were approved with the PSD's vote against.

"I challenge you to work with the Government to implement the measures that best serve the interests of the Portuguese and Portugal. The parliamentary assessment process of the Government's initiative to reduce the IRS is already a good opportunity for each one to assume their responsibilities", he considered.

Montenegro appealed for a decision on this matter "with pragmatism and without wastefulness, with loyalty and without falsehood, with reformism and without radicalism or immobility".

Before the deputies, and as he had already stated at his inauguration and in the discussion of the Government's programme, the prime minister reaffirmed his understanding that the non-rejection of the programme "would have to mean the possibility of its execution by the Government and would also have to mean that the democratic opposition cannot be a democratic blockade".

"We maintain this political interpretation that we believe is the one that legitimately corresponds to the will of the Portuguese people", he said.

The prime minister also expressed the Government's willingness "for responsible and serious political dialogue, in which everyone prioritises the national interest over circumstantial interests of media coverage or political folklore".

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