
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Évora mayor pleased with the progress of the high-speed Lisbon - Madrid

The Mayor of Évora, Carlos Pinto de Sá (CDU), today expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the high-speed rail link between Lisbon and Madrid, considering that the Alentejo region can also benefit from the project.

Évora mayor pleased with the progress of the high-speed Lisbon - Madrid
Notícias ao Minuto

16:28 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

País Aeroporto

"It seems to us a structural and strategic connection for the country and also for Évora and the Alentejo," stated the mayor, when questioned by the Lusa agency about the Government's decision to request the conclusion of studies on the Lisbon-Madrid high-speed line.

Noting that it will be necessary to wait for more details about the project, Carlos Pinto de Sá stressed that "there are conditions for Évora and the Alentejo to be served" by high speed, through the future Southern International Corridor.

"The line that is under construction, which has been treated as a freight line, can have, as we have always said and as we have always demanded, passengers and high speed, and it is logical that it should be used," he stressed.

Pinto de Sá was referring to the section between Évora and the Caia border, in the municipality of Elvas (Portalegre), which is part of the Southern International Corridor, recalling that the construction of this new railway "will be completed within a relatively short period of time", in mid-2025.

Referring to the high-speed railway section that will be built between Évora and Poceirão, in the municipality of Palmela (Sertúbal), the president of the Alentejo municipality highlighted that this connection "is essential for a faster connection between Lisbon and Madrid, but it is also essential for Évora".

The future Évora - Poceirão section would connect the Alentejo city to the new airport and to Lisbon, via the Third Tagus Crossing (TTT).

"We hope that this high-speed project can be streamlined" and "no more time is wasted with this type of discussion," he added.

The Government decided to mandate Infraestruturas de Portugal to complete the studies for the construction of the TTT and the Lisbon-Madrid high-speed rail link, announced the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, on Tuesday.

The announcement was made at a press conference, at the Prime Minister's official residence in Lisbon, after an extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers, where the construction of a new airport at the Alcochete Shooting Range, which will be called Luís de Camões, was approved.

According to the executive, the Lisbon - Madrid high-speed project foresees the use of the Évora - Caia section, which is under construction and will enter into operation in 2025, and the construction of another between the Alentejo city and the capital, including the TTT.

On Tuesday, at a press conference, after an extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, Miguel Pinto Luz, revealed that the Government intends to start the development studies for the Lisbon-Madrid high-speed railway line, with the aim of completing the work on the Portuguese side at the same time as Spain, which points to 2034.

As for the third Tagus crossing, between Chelas (Lisbon) and Barreiro (Setúbal), the deadline estimated by the Government for its completion is also 2034, but it has not yet been decided whether the infrastructure will have capacity for road and rail transport or only rail.

The Government has indicated as the next steps the conclusion of the studies on the characteristics of the TTT, the signing with Spain and the European Commission of the decision to implement the Lisbon - Madrid high-speed rail line and the submission to the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) of the environmental impact studies for the Lisbon - Poceirão - Évora section, including the TTT.

Read Also: Creation of an arbitration court in the construction of the new hospital in Évora was illegal (Portuguese version)

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