
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Government to present emergency health plan within two weeks

The Prime Minister stated today that within two weeks he will present the emergency health program, with a special focus on the recovery of surgeries, obstetrics and responses within the scope of family medicine.

Government to present emergency health plan within two weeks
Notícias ao Minuto

16:19 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Política Saúde

Luís Montenegro announced this calendar in the biweekly debate in the Assembly of the Republic, in response to the president of Chega, André Ventura, who had previously accused the leader of the executive of "a lot of talk" and no measures for the health sector.

The prime minister then replied that the leader of Chega "will only have to wait two weeks" to learn about the emergency plan that will be presented by the Government.

"Within two weeks at the most, the country will learn about the emergency program we have for health. It will have an impact on the recovery of waiting times for surgeries, particularly the most problematic ones -- for example, oncological surgeries. It will have a special focus on obstetrics and a family medicine response plan for about 1.5 million Portuguese people without a family doctor," he specified.

Luís Montenegro, however, warned that the program will be an emergency one and "not the structural transformation that the Government intends to make in health" by the end of the legislature, freeing it from ideological complexes.

In response to the criticism from the leader of Chega about an alleged paralysis in health, the prime minister also commented, using irony, that "only those who trust the Government a lot can expect it to present a transversal emergency program in 30 days -- a program that was not carried out in 3050 days" by the previous socialist executive.

"The honorable deputy André Ventura is once again more socialist than the socialists. He has a very difficult to understand attitude towards the Government," he added.

Read Also: Order of Nurses warns of the urgency of more hiring in the NHS (Portuguese version)

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