
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Police officers gathered at the Ministry of Internal Affairs "do not accept crumbs"

About a hundred PSP and GNR elements are today concentrated in Praça do Comércio, in Lisbon, to show their discontent with the proposed mission supplement and to tell the Government that they "do not accept crumbs".

Police officers gathered at the Ministry of Internal Affairs "do not accept crumbs"
Notícias ao Minuto

16:40 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

País Polícias

The rally, called through social media and supported by the Vertical Union of Police Careers, is taking place at the same time that the Minister of Internal Administration is meeting with the socio-professional associations of the GNR and PSP unions on the allocation of a new mission supplement.

Facing the building where the Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI) is located, the concentrated PSP police officers and GNR military personnel display some posters that read: "we do not accept crumbs", "we demand equality" and "a matter of justice".

"We are here to show our discontent with the Government's proposal presented at the last meeting and to warn that we do not accept crumbs", Josué Ribeiro, from the Vertical Union of Police Careers, told Lusa, who is not entitled to be in the negotiation with the guardianship due to the small number of members.

The protesting police officers agree with the counterproposal presented by the platform, which brings together the PSP unions and the GNR associations, to the MAI, but have little hope that it will be accepted by the Government.

Josué Ribeiro stated that the elements of the PSP and the GNR believe that today's meeting may proceed in "1% in a positive way" and in "99% in a negative way", thus foreseeing future forms of struggle.

The first meeting between Margarida Blasco and the leaders of the five GNR associations started around 3:00 pm and the meeting with the six PSP unions is scheduled for 5:00 pm.

The police officers concentrated in Praça do Comércio promise to stay until the end of the meetings and hope that more members of the security forces will join the protest by the end of the day.

The platform proposes that the current 100 euros paid to police officers in the supplement for service and risk in the security forces be replaced by a fixed component of 712.96 euros, which would translate into an effective increase of around 600 euros.

In addition to this amount, they defend the maintenance of the variable component of the supplement, which corresponds to 20% of the base salary, and want this increase to be paid retroactively to 01 January 2023.

The current supplement paid to these security forces includes a fixed component of 100 euros and a variable of 20% of the base salary.

The platform has already announced that the structures will abandon negotiations with the Government if a "new dignified proposal" is not presented by the MAI.

At the meeting on 02 May, the MAI proposed a new mission supplement for the elements of the PSP and the GNR of between 365.13 and 625.94 euros.

The proposed supplement is based on the base salaries of the national director of the PSP and the general commander of the GNR and replaces the current supplement for service and risk in the security forces.

With this new mission supplement, officers would have a mission supplement of 12% of the base remuneration of the national director of the PSP and the commander of the GNR, which is 5,216.23 euros.

The proposal foresees a supplement of 9% for the PSP chiefs and GNR sergeants and 7% for the agents and guards.

Leia Também: PSP avoids bank robbery in Espinho. Suspects fled (without money) (Portuguese version)

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