
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Residents create association after increase in crime in Ramalde

Residents of the parish of Ramalde, in Porto, are going to create an association to alert public entities, such as the Porto City Council and the Ministry of Internal Administration, to the increase in crime and insecurity in the area of Pinheiro Manso.

Residents create association after increase in crime in Ramalde
Notícias ao Minuto

18:58 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

País Porto

In statements to Lusa, João Pedro Mortágua, a resident in the Pinheiro Manso area since 2009, said that for about a month the assaults, carried out "mainly by drug addicts", have been daily.

"They are so disoriented that any object they steal gives them another five euros to consume drugs," he said.

In addition to assaulting cars, they also steal manhole covers, gutter grates, tiles and zinc plates, as happened to one of João's neighbours.

Allegedly, these objects and materials are later sold to a scrap dealer who lives near that parish.

"There is not a day that goes by without an assault," the resident observed, adding that "the level of social degradation, violence and insecurity is immense".

In view of these events, several residents of the Pinheiro Manso area have joined together to create an association.

The aim is to raise awareness and alert the competent authorities in this matter, namely the Porto City Council and the Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI).

Maria João Monteiro, a resident in that area of Porto, also said that crime "is regular and persistent", stressing that the creation of the association will allow residents to have "representation and dimension" to raise awareness and influence the actions of the competent authorities.

"With the association, we do not run the risk of individual complaints falling on deaf ears," she observed.

With the situation worsening in recent times, João Pedro Mortágua assured that the Public Security Police (PSP) "has no means".

"There needs to be a concerted effort by several entities that have to look at this reality," he said, saying that action is needed.

"We want to have a normal life," he said, assuring that the association will not be "against anyone", but for the safety of the residents.

Speaking to Lusa, the resident also said that some neighbours have already put forward the hypothesis of hiring private security during the night and dividing the costs among everyone.

In October 2023, the Porto Metropolitan Command of the PSP reported that violent and serious crime in that area of Porto had increased compared to 2022, as well as the number of arrests related to drug trafficking.

However, overall reported crime decreased, with 358 crimes reported in 2022 and 323 in 2023.

At the time, when contacted by Lusa, the president of the Ramalde Parish Council, Patrícia Rapazote, admitted that "the data is worrying" and supports the perception of insecurity felt by residents and traders not throughout the parish, but "in epicentres" of certain types of crime. 

Considering that the PSP "has done an immense job with the resources at its disposal", Patrícia Rapazote defended the need for a reinforcement of staff at the Viso Police Station and more community policing. 

Read Also: He was caught with a "modified firearm" and a bladed weapon in Olhão (Portuguese version)

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