
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

ULS became a setback in the "link" between hospitals and health centers

The President of the Portuguese Medical Association (OM) warned today that the recent creation of Local Health Units (ULS) has resulted in a step backwards in the connection between primary and hospital care in some areas of the country.

ULS became a setback in the "link" between hospitals and health centers
Notícias ao Minuto

20:46 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

País Ordem dos Médicos

"We have several examples where the integration worked very well between the ACES (health center grouping) and the hospital, but, from the moment that the ULS were created, in some places in the country, this connection that was good became worse", said Carlos Cortes.

The president spoke in a `webinar´ dedicated to the subject of ULS, within the scope of several initiatives that the OM is promoting this week to mark the World Family Doctor Day.

In 2023, within the scope of the reform of the National Health Service (SNS), the previous Government approved the generalization of the ULS, foreseeing a full coverage of the country through a total of 39 of these units.

In practice, the ULS integrate in the same entity the care provided by the health centers and by the hospitals, concentrating the management of human, financial and material resources.

According to Carlos Cortes, a "set of problems in several areas" has reached the order, including in the assistance areas, resulting from the generalization of the ULS, and it was even verified that "there was a setback in the integration of primary and hospital health care, which is something curious".

In addition, "some areas were completely forgotten in the midst of this reform", lamented the president of the doctors, pointing out the example of Public Health, "which was not thought of and integrated in this reform of the ULS".

After stressing that in all reforms there are also positive aspects, Carlos Cortes considered that it is not "feasible to go back", but defended that it is "very important" to have the "opportunity to improve the negative aspects" of the ULS development process.

He also added that, in the coming days, he will deliver to the Minister of Health, Ana Paula Martins, a "document on the OM's vision for the development of this reform", following a monitoring commission created in January by the order and which includes the areas of hospital, primary care, public health and continuing care.

The president also highlighted that the generalization of the ULS throughout the country "has worried the OM a lot", regretting that the order had been "excluded from the process" of its creation.

"There was no discussion on the implementation of this reform and the Order of Doctors was not invited to participate at any time in this reform, to give its opinion", said Carlos Cortes, for whom, despite the doctors "not having been included in the preparation of this reform, it does not mean that they are not paying attention".

Read Also: Government authorizes ULS to hire 250 doctors for "emergency" cases (Portuguese version)

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