
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

GNR officers warn of "loss of income" with new proposal

The National Association of Guard Officers (ANOG) clarified today that the Government's new mission supplement proposal has "a minimum guarantee" of a 150 euro increase, but that this will be lost in future promotions.

GNR officers warn of "loss of income" with new proposal
Notícias ao Minuto

22:48 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

País GNR

"A minimum guarantee clause was presented in the amount of 150 euros for the positions where the percentage did not guarantee an increase. It is important to clarify that this minimum guarantee only applies to those who are currently in the position, being lost in future promotions", states a note from the association that represents the officers of the National Republican Guard, sent to the Lusa agency.

ANOG, which is not part of the platform that brings together 11 PSP unions and GNR socio-professional associations, emphasizes that it has shown the Minister of Internal Administration "total dissatisfaction and disagreement with the proposal presented", since it is "unacceptable and translates into a "loss of income for officers".

As an example, ANOG states that a major who is promoted to lieutenant colonel will no longer receive the 150 euros, "thus losing money".

Margarida Blasco met today with GNR associations and PSP unions and presented a new proposal for a mission supplement between 521 and 730 euros and the end of the current supplement for service and risk in the security forces.

According to the new proposal, to which Lusa had access, the new mission supplement is based on the base salary of the national director of the PSP and commander-general of the GNR and replaces the current supplement for service and risk in the security forces, which includes a fixed component of 100 euros and a variable of 20% of the base salary.

With this new proposal, officers would have a mission supplement of 14% of the base salary of the GNR commander and national director of the PSP, which is 5,216.23 euros, while the percentage for GNR sergeants and PSP chiefs is 12% and for guards and agents is 10%.

The PSP unions and GNR associations do not accept this proposal and have a new meeting scheduled for May 22.

Read Also: PSP and GNR Platform says new proposal may be unconstitutional (Portuguese version)

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