
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Study says companies should be concerned about the mental health of their employees

Mental health, the culture of organizations, such as ethics and values, and commitment to leadership are the dimensions that reveal greater risk for a healthy work environment, according to a study released today.

Study says companies should be concerned about the mental health of their employees
Notícias ao Minuto

06:51 - 16/05/24 por Lusa


This analysis by the Portuguese Laboratory of Healthy Work Environments (LABPATS), which involved more than 4,300 participants, concluded that the culture of organizations is the dimension that most conditions the healthy work environment, with the specialists emphasizing that the concern with the well-being and health of professionals and the organization "must be in the 'DNA'" of companies.

"What we have noticed is that, often, there is an external image of well-being, because nowadays the issue of well-being and mental health has become fashionable, and organizations, if questioned, respond that this is something important (...). But, then, in the strategic plans and in the culture passed on to new leaders and new professionals, this is not reflected", explained the study coordinator, Tânia Gaspar de Matos.

The psychologist, founder of LABPATS, stressed: "It is essential that effectively in the various policies [of organizations], from the selection of people, to integration and the choice of the leaders themselves, everything must be transmitted very clearly".

Regarding the culture of organizations, she points out that the perception of security and justice are fundamental for the well-being of professionals: "It is important for the worker to feel that they are safe and that they can participate, that they can give their opinion, that they have clear and transparent channels for this and that they have confidence to do so, without thinking that they may be harmed".

The researcher acknowledged that organizations "end up having great difficulty in implementing these measures, because most are concerned with responding to immediate needs".

Defending the need for organizations to have a more strategic vision of their functioning, Tânia Gaspar de Matos advocates that "they should have two types of leaders": "One that is more connected to the operational part of the day-to-day, which is important (...) and another that has a more strategic vision, that is able to have a global vision of the entire organization and has time to look at these details and make a plan so that the message of mental health and well-being is passed on clearly to all employees, with a great focus on leadership".

The specialist also stressed that, according to the data collected, "public administration organizations have worse results than private organizations".

"There is a dynamic here in public administration that makes it difficult to implement new measures. This vision that we have to stop, look and change what needs to be changed, is very difficult [to do] in public administration", she said.

According to data from the LABPATS study, despite being slightly lower, the data on mental health remain worrying: three out of four (76%) professionals present at least one symptom of 'burnout' and almost half (48%) manifest three symptoms (exhaustion, irritability and sadness).

More than half of professionals say they do not have the necessary skills to manage 'stress' situations, such as the perception of control and confidence in their abilities, and more than a third have unhealthy health behaviors.

Almost half (46%) do not exercise and 35% have poor sleep habits. There are also about 25% who take psychotropic drugs.

It is women who show a greater risk when it comes to mental health. They are the ones who show the greatest involvement, but also the ones who are less assertive about their needs.

In a healthy work environment, what professionals value most is autonomy, flexibility (work-life balance), transparency and the existence of "close and fair leadership" that values their work and promotes career development.

Concern with mental health and activities to promote well-being and positive interpersonal relationships between colleagues are also valued.

The Portuguese Laboratory of Healthy Work Environments studies in depth and systematically the health and well-being of professionals and organizations, contributing to the intervention and definition of policies in these two areas.

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