
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

More than 26 million SMS were sent to remind users of appointments

System implemented in 37 Local Health Units.

More than 26 million SMS were sent to remind users of appointments
Notícias ao Minuto

10:04 - 16/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Saúde

Since September 2022, over 26 million text messages (SMS) have been sent to remind users of appointments and screenings in Primary Healthcare. The information is provided by the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS), which reveal that this SMS sending system, "to prevent users from missing" these appointments, is implemented in 37 Local Health Units (ULS).

"The measure has been progressively expanded and, in practice, is implemented in almost all Health Center Groups (ACeS) from north to south of the country", guarantees the SPMS.

The text message in question is sent on the day of the appointment and two days before the appointment or screening, culminating in the text with the phrase "Do not miss it. This appointment may be needed by someone else".

The objective, guarantees the SPMS, "is always the same": "To prevent users from missing or giving advance notice that they will be absent, in order to allow the rescheduling of the appointment or screening in Primary Healthcare".

Consultations of various types are covered, such as medical consultations, nursing consultations for cervical cancer screenings, child vision health or diabetic retinopathy.

"From year to year, the number of users receiving SMS has grown", it is assured in the same statement, where it is stated that "With the replacement of the Primary Healthcare information systems, an initiative included in the projects of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) for the Digital Transition in Health, this measure essentially aims to reduce the rate of absences from appointments made in Primary Healthcare".

Read Also: Threatens employees who asked to hang up the call when going to the appointment (Portuguese version)

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