
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Marcelo defends more investment in science and stability of contracts

The President of the Republic defended today that Portugal should invest more in science and innovation, with stability and predictability of contracts and competitions, in a message on the occasion of the National Day of Scientists.

Marcelo defends more investment in science and stability of contracts
Notícias ao Minuto

13:24 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

País Presidente da República

In a note published on the official website of the Presidency of the Republic on the Internet, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa points out the National Day of Scientists, stating that it was "enshrined in 2016 by the Assembly of the Republic as a tribute to the university professor, scientist and former minister Mariano Gago, who was born on 16 May 1948".

"The President of the Republic, as always, shows deep gratitude for the contribution of Portuguese science and its scientists, recalling the right of scientists to the stability of their contracts, to the predictability of funding competitions and access to resources, and the consequent obligation to increase Portuguese investment in science and innovation", the note reads.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa mentions that "in 2017, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) also instituted May 16 as the International Day of Light, in recognition of the first laser emission produced in a laboratory by physicist and engineer Theodore Maiman on May 16, 1960".

For the head of state, May 16 "is, therefore, a day of recognition of the role of science in society: in combating the darkness of intolerance, ignorance and inequalities, in the fight against obscurantism, and in contributing to intellectual and technological development and quality of life".

"It is also a day of recognition of its main stakeholders -- scientists -- in various aspects: at higher education institutions, at research and development institutions, in politics, in science communication, and in industry", he adds.

Read also: Chega wanted to, but the AR didn't let it. The film of the 'denial' of Marcelo's "betrayal" (Portuguese version)

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