
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Drop in students with disabilities due to new rule? Government analyzes

The Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation (MECI) will analyze whether the alteration of the rules for access to higher education for students with disabilities led to a decrease in the number of placements for these students, the minister said today.

Drop in students with disabilities due to new rule? Government analyzes
Notícias ao Minuto

14:12 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

País Educação

"There has been a change in the rules, we must assess what is associated with the change in the rules and whether or not this has in any way implied a restriction on access to higher education for people with disabilities", said Fernando Alexandre.

The minister addressed the issue after attending the opening of the International Conference for Higher Education of the Union for the Mediterranean, at the rectory of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, admitting his concern about the situation revealed today by the Jornal de Notícias (JN).

According to the information provided by JN, the origin of this issue is the inclusion among the application criteria for students by the priority contingent of a technical-pedagogical report, which proves the additional measures of support for learning in secondary education because of the disability.

In addition to the new technical-pedagogical report, students with disabilities already had to present a medical statement and school information.

The newspaper revealed that the number of students with special needs placed in higher education fell by more than half in 2023 compared to the previous year, dropping from a record of 440 (out of 447 applications) in 2022 to only 201 placed (out of 204 applications) in 2023.

In the last academic year (2022-2023) there were 683 students with disabilities who completed higher education, of which 85.7% in public institutions and the rest in private higher education, according to data from the Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC) cited by the publication.

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