
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

The former slaughterhouse in Porto will be called M-ODU and will accommodate 2,300 people

The former Matadouro Industrial de Campanhã, in Porto, which has been undergoing conversion works since May 2021, will be called M-ODU and will have the capacity to accommodate over 2,300 people.

The former slaughterhouse in Porto will be called M-ODU and will accommodate 2,300 people
Notícias ao Minuto

15:36 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

País Porto

According to the project's 'website', consulted today by Lusa, 11 buildings will house offices, two spaces will host art galleries and museums, and another two buildings will be used as restaurants. In the former Campanhã Industrial Slaughterhouse, now called M-ODU, there will also be 'coworking' spaces and conference rooms. Of the approximately 26,000 square meters, more than 8,000 will be used for business, culture and services, and 12,000 for offices and restaurants. According to the project brochure, the buildings intended for restaurants will have the capacity to accommodate 167 people and the office buildings 2,180. The wall that separates the space of Rua de S. Roque da Lameira will be demolished and the complex, once used to slaughter animals, will be open to the eastern area of Porto, with the creation of a public square planned. In this square, which will be occupied by the restaurant terraces, the PSP police station will be located. In the central nave of the complex, the metal structures where the cattle were transported will be maintained, in allusion to the activity that took place there for 70 years. The nave, which runs through the complex from one end to the other, will connect the other buildings that will house business, commercial and leisure spaces, as well as those that will be managed by the local authority. The project includes the construction of a new overpass between the former slaughterhouse and the Dragão metro station, crossing the Via de Cintura Interna (VCI). In addition to the bridge, another element of the project, designed by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma and Portuguese architects OODA, is the roof. At the request of Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP), the size of the roof, made of perforated metal sheet, had to be reduced. Mota-Engil's excavators entered the former industrial complex in May 2021. At the time, the work focused on cleaning the area, demolishing elements in a high state of degradation, earthworks and surveys of the existing structures. In September 2022, the first phase of the work was completed and, in January 2023, the work entered the second phase of rehabilitation. The works are expected to be completed in the last quarter of 2024, the project manager for the reconversion, Margarida Barbosa, told Lusa during a visit to the site last year. The investment of more than 40 million euros will be fully covered by Mota-Engil, and at the end of the 30-year concession the equipment will return to the municipal sphere.
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