
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Government increases proposal for prison guards, but does not convince them

Unions representing the sector met with the minister today.

Government increases proposal for prison guards, but does not convince them
Notícias ao Minuto

17:11 - 16/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Ministra da Justiça

The Government is proposing to prison guards exactly the same as it proposed to the PSP and GNR: a different subsidy according to the category of each professional, says RTP.

According to the television station, the new proposal is for commissioners to receive 14%, chiefs 12% and guards 10% of the salary value of the National Director of the PSP or General Commander of the GNR.

This represents an increase of 730 euros for commissioners, 625 euros for chiefs and 521 for guards.

The previous proposal was 7%, 9% and 12%, respectively.

The Minister of Justice had meetings scheduled this afternoon with the Union Association of Chiefs of the Prison Guard Corps, the National Union of the Prison Guard Corps and the Independent Union of the Prison Guard Corps for negotiations on the creation of a mission allowance, after a postponement for presentation of counter-proposals.

In addition to the valorization of careers, prison guards demand the updating of salaries and remuneration supplements, including the allocation of a mission supplement similar to that which was allocated to the Judicial Police and which is also under negotiation with the PSP and the GNR.

According to the SNCGP, there are 3,885 prison guards, but around 1,500 more are needed.

[News updated at 5:16 pm]

Read Also: Minister of Justice returns to negotiations with prison guards (Portuguese version)

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