
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Order of Nurses warns of bacteria outbreak at Penafiel hospital

The Order of Nurses (OE) today warned of the existence of about 80 patients in the hospital of Penafiel with a multiresistant bacteria.

Order of Nurses warns of bacteria outbreak at Penafiel hospital
Notícias ao Minuto

17:32 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

País Penafiel

Miguel Vasconcelos, leader of OE, who was at the hospital today, told reporters that about 20% of the 450 people hospitalized are currently infected.

For the OE, this is a "very high" number and that "it can quickly multiply and spread to the rest of the hospitalized patients".

Miguel Vasconcelos indicates that the situation can "drastically impact the quality of care provided and put people's lives at risk".

He also noted that he was not aware of any bacterial outbreaks with this impact in other hospitals in the country, reaffirming that 20% of hospitalized patients is "a very high number".

Miguel Vasconcelos reaffirmed that the Hospital Padre Américo, in Penafiel, integrated in the Tâmega e Sousa Local Health Unit, is undersized for the region it serves (about half a million people), presenting "a deficit of professionals already known".

He pointed out that this situation "may have an even greater impact, because 35 nurses "will end their contract now", affecting the hospital's response capacity.

"This multi-resistant bacteria requires some care, namely isolation, and professionals dedicated to these patients", work that can be compromised if there are not enough nurses, he concluded.

Read Also: Child stabbed in the hands and neck by 19-year-old brother in Penafiel (Portuguese version)

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