
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Federation calls for urgent mobilization of donors to avoid blood shortage

The Portuguese Federation of Benevolent Blood Donors (FEPODABES) today warned of the need for urgent mobilization of donors in order to avoid a shortage of blood in hospitals.

Federation calls for urgent mobilization of donors to avoid blood shortage
Notícias ao Minuto

18:03 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

País Sangue

In a statement, the president of FEPODABRES, Alberto Mota, said that it is "urgent to raise awareness of the need" for blood donation, appealing to all interested citizens and young donors, namely those with the most needed blood groups, B-, A+, 0+ and 0-. According to the same official, the decrease in blood donors in collections is due to the fact that there is still a "period of flu, respiratory infections and other diseases", which are relevant factors that also cause a decrease in availability on the part of benevolent blood donors. He also acknowledged that he hears "a decrease in blood collection sessions due to a lack of technical staff from the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplantation (IPST). In the appeal, the president of FEPODABES states that "all citizens over 18 years of age, weighing more than 50 kilos and who are healthy" should donate blood. This simple gesture - the same official recalled - contributes to "saving many lives". FEPODABES also mentions that around a thousand units of blood are needed every day and that the collection process is a quick procedure, taking around 30 minutes, and that it can help save several people, since a single unit of blood can help save up to three lives. Information on official blood collection points is available at and on the portal Donating blood saves lives! FEPODABES is a non-profit institution that aims to develop an activity within the scope of social and humanitarian solidarity in the field of voluntary blood donation, promoting the dissemination of donation among the population. It also aims to cooperate with the State in everything that is related to and with the theme of voluntary blood donation, representing its members before the Public Services in common matters and their specific competence. In the meantime, a note from the IPST indicates that 422 collection sessions are scheduled for June and that, compared to the activity planned for this month of April, 16 fewer collection sessions were held than planned, with the consequent reduction in the number of donors. It also reveals that as for donors in the month of April, the highest percentage is between 25 and 44 years old (41.59%). The action plans include several recommendations, one of which is to promote the "best communication and donor loyalty strategies to ensure a turnout rate in collection sessions above 90%, thus optimizing installed capacity and available resources". "Evaluating new locations for collection sessions and new blood donation strategies" and "encouraging and promoting welcoming environments for the greater comfort of donors" are other recommendations.
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