
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Lisbon City Council to remove three posters after CNE decision

Lisbon City Council said today that it will remove three posters with municipal information, after receiving notification from the National Electoral Commission, which considered the 'posters' as unauthorized advertising due to the proximity of the European Parliament elections.

Lisbon City Council to remove three posters after CNE decision
Notícias ao Minuto

19:28 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

País Lisboa

The news was reported by CNN, indicating that the National Elections Commission (CNE) decided to order the local authority to remove, within 48 hours, three posters spread around the city's streets, considering that they represent prohibited institutional advertising in view of the approaching elections for the European Parliament.

"The CML does not agree with the position and interpretation of the CNE, but will, nevertheless, begin the process of removing the posters in question", a source from the Lisbon City Council (CML) told Lusa today.

The same source informed that the CML was notified this morning of the CNE's decision, but did not indicate whether the local authority will appeal the decision of the elections commission.

At issue are three posters, two of them about the local authority's free health plan for people over 65 (Lisbon 65+) and one that informs about the municipality's support programs in the area of Housing.

"The CML disagrees with this decision, considering that what the CNE is referring to is municipal information, directed at the population, in accordance with the principles of pursuing the public interest and transparency, by which the municipality of Lisbon is governed", considered the local authority.

The minutes of the meeting in which the CNE made this decision, which took place last Tuesday, had not yet been published by the end of Thursday afternoon.

Entities are required to have duties of neutrality and impartiality from the publication of the decree that sets the elections, including the advertising of information that is not "serious and urgent".

Before and during the campaign for the legislative elections of March 10, the CNE targeted the CML, after complaints from citizens, for the publication of posters about municipal programs and also for the dissemination of these measures on its social networks.

The CNE then considered the publications as "prohibited institutional advertising" for conveying "images and expressions likely to please and gain the adherence of the recipients".

At the time, the CML stated that it would "contest the interpretation of the CNE, but comply with the request".

The elections for the European Parliament will take place in Portugal on June 9.

Read Also: "Prohibited advertising". CNE gives 48 hours to Moedas to remove street posters (Portuguese version)

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