
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Open letter from more than 40 lawyers asks for revision of the class statute

An open letter signed by more than 40 lawyers calls for an extraordinary general meeting of the Portuguese Bar Association (OA) to discuss the "urgent need" to review the profession's statute and the future of the profession.

Open letter from more than 40 lawyers asks for revision of the class statute
Notícias ao Minuto

20:49 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

País Advogados

"We are experiencing extremely worrying times regarding the future of law. The most aggressive measures against our profession have ended up being approved. The ultimate guarantee lies in the revision of our statute. An urgent debate is required", reads the open letter addressed to all colleagues who practice the profession, to which Lusa had access.

For the signatories of the letter, it is essential to "converge around a proposal that ensures the future of the profession", at a time when the "challenges imposed by the new social, economic, cultural reality and, above all, by the digital transition and artificial intelligence, require special attention and a joint effort for an effective and representative adaptation of the interests and duties as agents of justice".

"The urgent need to revise the statute of the OA is evident, as can be seen from the responses to the questionnaires sent by the Lisbon regional council to our colleagues", the document states.

Thus, the subscribers suggest the convening of an extraordinary general meeting, to be held urgently, with the aim of discussing and approving a draft amendment to the statute that "truly represents the values and needs" of the class.

"Your voice and your experience are essential so that together we can build a document that is more than just a set of rules, but a manifesto of our professional identity and commitment to justice", states the open letter which includes, among the subscribers, André Matias de Almeida, Artur Marques, Francisco and Eduarda Proença de Carvalho, João Massano, João Vieira de Almeida, José António Barreiros, José Gaspar Schwalbach, Manuel Magalhães e Silva and Tiago Rodrigues Bastos.

Read Also: It is not necessary to "reinvent the wheel" to combat corruption, says president of the Bar Association (Portuguese version)

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