
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Dozens of pro-Palestine students occupy U. Porto faculty

Dozens of students and activists from civil society movements occupied today the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (U.Porto), in solidarity with the Palestinian people and to demand that this institution cut its ties with Israel.

Dozens of pro-Palestine students occupy U. Porto faculty
Notícias ao Minuto

22:47 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

País Médio Oriente

According to a statement to which the Lusa agency had access, this occupation is taking place at the Faculty of Sciences, in the Computer Science department of U.Porto.

The protesters demand that U.Porto "immediately break all relations with Israeli institutions and companies and that it officially condemns the current genocide in Palestine".

"They also demand that the University of Porto use its influence with the Porto City Council and the Portuguese State to condemn the atrocities committed by the colonial state of Israel and to break diplomatic relations with it", can be read in the statement.

The action is part of the international student protest struggle that began on American campuses and has already spread to universities in several European cities, Canada, Mexico and even Australia, demanding the end of the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip.

"The students, youth and people in solidarity with the struggle for the liberation of Palestine refuse to passively witness the most violent expression of this century with regard to the imperialist policies that profit from the distribution of death, oppression and poverty", also refer the organizers of the protest, in the statement.

This action follows an open letter sent to the rector of U.Porto and a sit-in held on May 8 in front of the U.Porto rector's office building, they also stressed.

The protesters also guaranteed that they will continue the actions "until the students' demands are met".

The ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip was triggered by the attack by the Islamist group Hamas on Israeli soil on October 7, 2023, which caused about 1,200 deaths and two hundred hostages, according to Israeli authorities.

In response, Israel launched a large-scale military offensive in the Gaza Strip, which has already caused over 35,000 deaths, mostly civilians, according to local authorities controlled by Hamas, and left the enclave in a serious humanitarian crisis.

Also Read: US takes Hamas hostages to the UN to warn of "psychological" impact (Portuguese version)

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