
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Ukrainian Association reports insults during exhibition in Porto

The Association of Ukrainians in Portugal (ACP) today denounced acts of vandalism against an exhibition about Ukraine in Porto and insults "related to immigration" directed at the organizers and participants.

Ukrainian Association reports insults during exhibition in Porto
Notícias ao Minuto

22:59 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

País Ucranianos em portugal

Pavlo Sadokha, president of the ACP, told the Lusa agency that the incident occurred on Wednesday night near the Trindade metro station in Porto, where the "Labyrinth of Freedom" action was taking place, organized by a Ukrainian organization from Austria, which is touring several cities of the European Union (EU), with the aim of remembering Ukraine before the European Parliament elections on June 9.

Lyudmyla Artysh, a member of the ACP in Porto, told the Lusa agency that she was present when the insults occurred, at around 9 pm, by "a group of four women, around 30 years old, in which two of them were very aggressive".

The Ukrainian said that one of the women had a knife and that several tarpaulins from the exhibition were damaged and that one of the organizers was punched in the face.

The ACP released images, via email, where it is possible to see torn and damaged tarpaulins.

Lyudmyla Artysh also denounced insults by this group of women. "They shouted and insulted, they said 'what are you doing here?', 'we don't want immigrants here', 'you're in my country', 'I do what I want'", she added.

This leader of the ACP in Porto also stressed that at the beginning of the altercation she called the PSP, but that after this police force did not appear at the scene, they went to a police station near the metro station, where they filed a complaint.

The Lusa agency tried to confirm these complaints with the Metropolitan Command of Porto of the PSP and the National Command of the PSP tonight, but it was not possible.

Pavlo Sadokha also confessed to being sad about this episode, referring that it is unprecedented in 25 years in Portugal.

"We have always had the support of the Portuguese. In our opinion they are provocateurs, because there were posters advertising the event in Porto", he stressed.

The same event took place today in Lisbon, at Largo de Camões. Sadokha assured, around 9 pm, that the event was taking place without incident.

Read Also: Ukrainians ask the Portuguese to remember the Russian aggression when voting (Portuguese version)

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