
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Activists occupy Foreign Office

GNR was forced to intervene.

Notícias ao Minuto

11:55 - 17/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Fim ao Fóssil

Around 20 students from the End Fossil Occupation movement occupied the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday morning, forcing the intervention of the National Republican Guard (GNR). The activists are demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the end of fossil fuels by 2030.

The students "were linked by metal tubes, to make it more difficult to remove them," the movement said in a statement sent to newsrooms.

In a video posted on social media, the GNR can be seen restraining the students so that they leave the building. The activists claim that they were removed "violently".

Matilde Ventura, a Philosophy student who participated in the protest, argued that "what is happening in Palestine and the imminent climate collapse are the ultimate expressions of how institutions are failing us".

"We are witnessing a genocide live and we learned at an early age that we will not have a future if we do not end fossil fuels. But the institutions of power and the Government that this Ministry represents are doing nothing. We cannot let them continue to ignore these crises," she said, quoted in the same note.

It should be noted that the activists are part of the End Genocide, End Fossil movement, which has occupied two faculties in Lisbon with the same demands.

[News updated at 12:12 pm]

Read Also: European Climate Pact launches challenge to future MEPs (Portuguese version)

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