
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Guardia Civil arrests Portuguese man for attempted murder of taxi driver

The Spanish Guardia Civil arrested a 54-year-old Portuguese man, resident in Elvas (Portalegre district), alleged perpetrator of the attempted murder of a taxi driver also Portuguese, who was stabbed and suffered serious injuries, it was announced today.

Guardia Civil arrests Portuguese man for attempted murder of taxi driver
Notícias ao Minuto

13:10 - 17/05/24 por Lusa

País Guardia Civil

In a statement sent today to the Lusa news agency, the Badajoz command of the Guardia Civil revealed that the suspect was brought before the Examining Court of Olivença, in Spanish Extremadura, which ordered his preventive detention.

A source from the Guardia Civil, contacted by Lusa, indicated that, since the crime was committed in Spanish territory, the man was placed in preventive detention in that country and that is where he will be tried.

On Wednesday, as revealed by a source from the PSP, a taxi driver from Elvas suffered injuries after being stabbed by a client he was transporting to Olivença (Spain).

The same source indicated at the time that the man, "assaulted with a bladed weapon" by the Portuguese client, "was under observation" at the Hospital de Santa Luzia, in Elvas.

In the statement released today, the Spanish Guardia Civil confirmed that, on Wednesday afternoon, the customs police cooperation centre at the Caia border, between Elvas and Badajoz, was informed of the assault suffered by the taxi driver while transporting a client to the municipality of Olivença.

"It was at the end of the trip, in the vicinity of the Ponte da Ajuda, that the passenger attacked him with a knife, causing serious injuries to his neck, face and hands, even using the seat belt to try to strangle him", reported the Spanish police force.

The taxi driver managed to escape the attacker and reach the Hospital de Santa Luzia, "where he had to be treated for serious injuries caused by the knife".

Based on the information made available to it, the Guardia Civil set up devices to try to locate the perpetrator of the crime, who was eventually found in the Olivares neighbourhood, in Villarreal.

The suspect, with "a criminal record for homicide" in Portugal, "was found in possession of the weapon used in the attack", noted the security force.

"With the incriminating evidence, he was arrested and taken to official facilities" and is accused of the "crimes of attempted murder of the Portuguese taxi driver and of lesiones", the latter corresponding to serious offences against physical integrity, according to the Portuguese Penal Code, consulted by Lusa.

Read Also: Elvas taxi driver stabbed "in the neck and face" by a client in Spain (Portuguese version)

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