
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Government is working "very calmly" on the extinction of the ARS

The Minister of Health, Ana Paula Martins, assured today that the Government is working "with great serenity" on the extinction of the Regional Health Administrations (ARS), following the plan of the previous Government, which intended to integrate them into the CCDR.

Government is working "very calmly" on the extinction of the ARS
Notícias ao Minuto

13:18 - 17/05/24 por Lusa

País ARS

"I want to reassure everyone. We are working with the ARS themselves still in office, in the extinction by merger of the ARS, all with great serenity, ensuring that there are no discontinuities in what are the functions and competences", said the minister to journalists, on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Ajuda Health Unit in Lisbon.

On Thursday, an official source from the Ministry of Health had assured Lusa that the Government will maintain the extinction of the ARS decided by the previous executive and whose diploma had been returned by the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Questioned by Lusa on this matter, the Ministry of Health replied that "the extinction of the ARS awaits a new decree-law soon".

On the 10th, the President of the Republic informed that he only received on March 27 the decree-law of the previous executive that extinguishes the ARS, and that he had sent the diploma to the new Government, after his inauguration, so that he could pronounce himself.

At issue is a decree-law of the previous PS Government approved in the Council of Ministers on March 21 which, following the creation of the Executive Directorate of the National Health Service (SNS) and the generalization of local health units, proceeds with the extinction of the ARS.

The Presidency of the Republic also stressed that the decree-law was approved "11 days after the early legislative elections" of March 10.

The extinction of the ARS was part of the second phase of the process of decentralization of competences from the central administration to the Regional Coordination and Development Commissions (CCDR), planned by the previous Government.

António Costa's Government planned that the competences of regional directorates in areas such as health, education, culture and tourism would be concentrated in the regional coordination commissions.

It also planned the extinction of dozens of management positions in these areas, in a phased manner, during this year, with the remaining employees joining the CCDR.

Read Also: "Reorganization". Extinction of the ARS approved in the Council of Ministers (Portuguese version)

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