
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

Secretary of State believes that an agreement with PSP and GNR is possible

The Secretary of State for Internal Administration, Telmo Correia, said today that the negotiation with the PSP unions and GNR associations "is not closed", believing it is possible to reach an agreement with the security forces.

Secretary of State believes that an agreement with PSP and GNR is possible
Notícias ao Minuto

14:28 - 17/05/24 por Lusa

País Telmo Correia

"The negotiation is not closed and it is possible to make adjustments to what is on the table", said the Secretary of State to Lusa, on the sidelines of a commemorative ceremony to celebrate the 148th anniversary of the Santarém district command of the Public Security Police.

According to the Secretary of State, the Government is "committed" to "valuing and dignifying the careers of the women and men who work in the security forces", namely in the "remuneration plan".

Telmo Correia is optimistic about a possible agreement, despite the proposal presented by the Government not having been well received by the PSP unions and GNR associations, who called it "ridiculous" and "even unconstitutional".

"We are convinced that at the end of this process it will be possible to reach a consensual solution that will represent a significant valorization in the remuneration plan and in the risk supplement of the security forces", he said.

The Government presented a proposal to the socio-professional associations of the GNR to grant a mission supplement between 521 and 720 euros and the end of the current service and risk supplement in the security forces.

According to the new proposal, the new mission supplement is based on the base salary of the national director of the PSP and commander-general of the GNR and replaces the current service and risk supplement in the security forces, which includes a fixed component of 100 euros and a variable of 20% of the base salary.

With the end of the current supplement, there are elements in the security forces who will earn less, proposing for this purpose the Government a safeguard clause to guarantee a minimum increase of 150 euros.

With this new proposal, the officers would have a mission supplement of 14% of the base remuneration of the commander of the GNR and national director of the PSP, which is 5,216.23 euros, while the percentage for the sergeants of the GNR and chiefs of the PSP is 12% and for the guards and agents is 10%.

The proposal was not well received by the unions and associations of the security forces, with the GNR association considering the proposal "ridiculous" and representing an "insignificant increase".

The Platform that brings together the structures of the PSP and GNR also harshly criticized the government's proposal, stating that the mission supplement suggested by the executive creates "illegal" and unconstitutional "situations" and represents a "loss" of salary.

A new meeting is scheduled for May 22.

These negotiations take place after the Minister of Internal Administration, Margarida Blasco, stated that she will make "an operational restructuring and reorganize the entire PSP system"

According to Telmo Correia, the restructuring mentioned by the minister aims to promote "a proximity policy" and "to have more police officers on the streets and close to the citizens".

"When we talk about restructuring, we are talking about having more police officers on the streets and with greater proximity. An exemplary police force, close to the citizens and with authority. The idea is to restructure the PSP and the GNR with the aim of having more police officers on the streets and closer to the citizens".

In the speech to celebrate the 148th anniversary of the Santarém district command of the PSP, the Secretary of State also listed several proposals that the government intends to implement, including promoting "a better reconciliation between the professional and personal life of the security forces", "promoting the entry of women into the security forces" and "increasing the surveillance zones".

Read Also: Police officers gathered at the MAI "do not accept crumbs" (Portuguese version)

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