
  • 19 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 26º

Preventive detention for 6 of the 17 arrested for drug trafficking in Aveiro and Porto

Six of the 17 arrested in a major police operation to combat drug trafficking in the districts of Aveiro and Porto will await the outcome of the process in preventive detention, the GNR reported today.

Preventive detention for 6 of the 17 arrested for drug trafficking in Aveiro and Porto
Notícias ao Minuto

14:52 - 17/05/24 por Lusa

País Droga

The suspects, 11 men and six women, aged between 22 and 57, appeared in court for the first time on Thursday, at the Tribunal da Feira, and the most serious measure of coercion was applied to six of them.

Two people were ordered to appear before the police authorities twice a week and four once a week. The remaining five were ordered to sign in at the police station and were banned from contacting places linked to drug use and trafficking and drug users.

The suspects were arrested in the districts of Aveiro and Porto, as part of a police operation related to drug trafficking, carried out on Tuesday.

During the operation, the military police carried out several operations that culminated in the execution of 28 search warrants, 20 at homes and eight in vehicles.

Of the 17 suspects, five were arrested in flagrante delicto, while the others were arrested under arrest warrants.

"Following the investigation, which had been ongoing for about a year, it was possible to determine that the group of suspects was involved in drug trafficking on the public highway, in the area of Vale de Cambra, Oliveira de Azeméis, São João da Madeira and Santa Maria da Feira", municipalities in the district of Aveiro, states the same note.

With this action, the GNR says it has dismantled "a network with a major criminal impact in the northern area of the district of Aveiro, which is also associated with theft crimes".

During the operation, 738 doses of hashish, 130 doses of cocaine, 150 doses of heroin and four doses of MDMA (ecstasy) were seized, in addition to various materials used in the packaging and cutting of the drug product.

According to the same note, the military also seized eight vehicles, an alarm pistol, two sabres, a rubber truncheon, 4,600 euros in cash and various materials related to the practice of thefts.

As part of the operation, several police operations were carried out in the districts of Aveiro and Porto, in the municipalities of Santa Maria da Feira, Oliveira de Azeméis, Vale de Cambra, São João da Madeira and Gondomar, with 154 GNR military personnel and 50 PSP officers involved.

Read Also: GNR arrests 17 people for drug trafficking in Aveiro and Porto (Portuguese version)

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