
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Navy frigate sets off for "very demanding" training in England

This mission is "a unique opportunity" and will serve to "raise standards of readiness" and to "guarantee the best preparation of the ship for its integration" in other exercises.

Navy frigate sets off for "very demanding" training in England
Notícias ao Minuto

15:56 - 17/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Marinha Portuguesa

The Portuguese frigate NRP D. Francisco de Almeida will leave the Lisbon Naval Base this Friday, May 17, to participate in Operational Sea Training in Plymouth, in the south of England.

After completing its national training cycle, the vessel "is heading for another training stage, which will contribute to the ship's readiness for its participation in missions within the framework of the Atlantic Alliance", as well as in "other international or national contexts", states the Portuguese Navy in a press release.

The training - which was "quite demanding" - is "the culmination of months of great dedication and effort on the part of the ship's crew".

"Thanks to the intensity of the national training and the training standards achieved, the ship is ready to face the challenge of the Fleet Operational Standards and Training (FOST), which will take place from May 31 and over six weeks, in Plymouth", the note also adds.

For the Navy, this is "a unique opportunity" to "raise the ship's operational capabilities", which, together with its crew, will be subjected "to a series of complex and quite demanding exercises" under the guidance of specialists.

"This mission will serve to raise not only the readiness standards, but also to ensure the best preparation of the ship for its integration in different types of missions, namely in the Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) to take place still this year, thus contributing to the national participation in NATO and in international maritime security", concludes the Navy.

Read Also: Portuguese ship participates in exercise by the Spanish Navy on the Minho River (Portuguese version)

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