
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

Two arrested for home robberies in Vila Real are remanded in custody

The two men arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of home robberies in Vila Real will be awaiting trial in preventive detention, a PSP source said today.

Two arrested for home robberies in Vila Real are remanded in custody
Notícias ao Minuto

16:35 - 17/05/24 por Lusa

País PSP

The two men, aged 28 and 30, were arrested by the PSP of Vila Real, after a woman alerted that they were entering her house.

The Police said, in a statement, that they received a call via emergency number 112 from a woman residing in the city of Vila Real who requested assistance because two men were trying to enter her residence, forcing the entrance door.

He added that, immediately, he activated the police resources to the scene, managing to intercept and arrest, in flagrante delicto, the two, having also seized material used to open the doors of the residences.

The police force said that the men "are strongly suspected of assaults on residences in Vila Real", as well as other attempted house robberies in the city, taking advantage of the absence of people to carry out these crimes.

According to the Police, one of the suspects resides in the Porto area and the other has no fixed residence in the national territory.

After being present for judicial interrogation, the Vila Real Court today applied the most serious coercive measure, preventive detention, to the two defendants.

Read Also: I feared for my life". Preventive for man who assaulted 27-year-old wife (Portuguese version)

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