
  • 29 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 20º

Diocese of Viseu with 34 fewer active priests than in 2015

The Diocese of Viseu currently has 95 active priests, 34 less than in 2015 and with a higher average age, but Bishop António Luciano assured that a commitment to revitalization is underway.

Diocese of Viseu with 34 fewer active priests than in 2015
Notícias ao Minuto

18:05 - 17/05/24 por Lusa

País Viseu

In order to try to solve the problem of the lack of new ordinations and increase the number of priests and other collaborators, the Diocese of Viseu is committed to vocational work of proximity.

"We are convinced that it is necessary to work more on priestly, ministerial, and lay vocations to renew parish, archpriestly, and diocesan services and structures", said António Luciano.

In the last nine years, the number of priests in the Diocese of Viseu has dropped from 129 to 95 and their average age has increased from 63.4 to 64.7 years. There has also been an increase in the number of parishes under the responsibility of each parish priest, despite the missionary collaboration of priests from Angola and Brazil, who have taken over some of them.

This data is part of a report that the bishop will present at the Vatican next week (within the scope of the 'Ad Limina' visit), on the evolution of the pastoral work of the various bodies, covering all parishes and services.

According to the diocese, priestly formation has been a focus and the report states that the number of priests with doctorates or degrees in Theology, Canon Law, and other sciences has increased.

"The number of permanent deacons has also increased in recent years, rising from 10 to 13, and the diocese is committed to continuing to promote and train for the permanent diaconate", he added.

Bishop António Luciano considered that the current prospects are for "renewal and hope, on a synodal path, to make the Church more missionary, open to communion, participation, and the mission of all".

These nine years have been of "much renewal and commitment to change", he said, highlighting the listening process that has been carried out by priests, deacons, consecrated persons, lay people, and others who participate in the life of the Diocese of Viseu.

António Luciano stressed that the World Youth Day, held in the summer of 2023, resulted in a new dynamism among young people in the diocese and marked the beginning of a new three-year period (2023/2026), with the appointment of a new Youth Ministry team.

The report that will be taken to the Vatican, covering the period 2015/2023, refers to the change in the Christian life of many ecclesial communities, "which is reflected in the participation in the life of the Church, also due to the desertification of some parishes".

The "religious indifference" and the "change in the paradigm of society" are also mentioned, which lead "to the weakening of the members of the Church, with the decrease in vocations and priests".

In this context, the Diocese of Viseu points out the need to "deepen the synodal path", for which it is necessary to "value the co-responsibility of lay people, other pastoral agents, and young people, with the aim of training for lay ministries".

Read Also: 63-year-old man missing in the municipality of Viseu. Searches are underway (Portuguese version)

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