
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

PSP clears the way for a motorcycle parade in Porto after failing to do so with bicycles

PSP will clear the traffic for the circulation of motorcycles in a solidarity parade on Sunday, one week after not having done so in an event with bicycles, indicated today the Metropolitan Command of Porto, after questions from Lusa.

PSP clears the way for a motorcycle parade in Porto after failing to do so with bicycles
Notícias ao Minuto

19:34 - 17/05/24 por Lusa

País PSP

Lusa contacted the PSP after learning about the holding of the 'The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2024', a parade of classic and 'vintage' motorbikes, on Sunday, which "aims to raise funds for studies related to prostate cancer and raise awareness of issues such as mental health and the prevention of male suicide", according to the municipal company Ágora's website. Ágora supports the event organised by the Associação de Veículos Históricos, which will go from Parque da Cidade to Avenida dos Aliados, and "will take place simultaneously in several cities around the world (105 countries and 965 cities), which Porto will join with over 400 motorcyclists". Last week, the PSP issued a negative opinion on the Kidical Mass, which, like Sunday's parade, is part of an international movement, in this case dedicated to claiming the right to public space for children, young people and adults. The PSP alleged conflicts with the "freedom of movement of other citizens" as a reason for not authorising it, framing it as a demonstration, something that did not happen with Sunday's parade. Given the two similar events involving two-wheeled vehicles, Lusa asked the PSP if it had issued any opinion on the motorbike parade, what the reasons were for that opinion (whether positive or negative) and whether it would monitor the parade in any way. "The Commander of the PSP's Porto Metropolitan Command has instructed us to inform you that this is an event with the respective public highway occupation permit issued by the competent entity, and that this Police will provide a paid traffic clearance service", reads an official PSP source's response to Lusa's questions. Last week, the PSP issued a negative opinion on the Kidical Mass because it did not want to take responsibility for the "more fragile" bicycles and their users, including children, because "if there were an accident, the PSP would be assuming civil and criminal liability that could not be assumed in a circumstance such as the one presented". According to the PSP's opinion, the presence of bicycles "conflicts with the freedom of movement of other citizens", could "cause traffic constraints in the surrounding area and in access to hospital units near the parade route" and "endanger the safety of participants and other users of the public highway". Lusa asked to what extent bicycles "conflict with the freedom of movement of other citizens", since they are a means of transport that can circulate on public roads like any other, in what way their circulation is a different situation from the daily traffic that also causes "traffic constraints" in access to hospitals, including for ambulances, and how the demonstration could "endanger the safety of participants and other users of the public highway". The PSP stated that "for technical and safety reasons, it never issues a positive opinion on demonstrations with parades with vehicles of any kind, only in very exceptional circumstances, such as the presence of a support car", and that if it were without a parade, or if the parade "were not with bicycles, but only with people, the opinion would be positive". On Saturday, Duarte Brandão, from MUBi - Associação pela Mobilidade Urbana em Bicicleta, told Lusa that the PSP's opinion "only reinforces the reason" why the demonstration should have been held. Some of the participants in the demonstration opted to go for a family bike ride to Parque da Cidade, but without the police. Read Also: PSP dismantles drug trafficking cell that supplied Lisbon and Seixal (Portuguese version)

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